![Boachsoft Founder and Sole Proprietor Yaw Boakye-Yiadom with spectacles off](http://blog.boachsoft.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/ceo-no-glasses-1.jpg)
The goal of every business is to generate profits, growth and most importantly contribute value. How do consumers assess the value of a product or service? Customers assess the intrinsic utility they derive from the service. They also look at demand and supply — that is to say the quantity of the product on the market and the quantity people are are prepared to buy. The availability of cheaper alternatives are also taken into account. Some may go a step further and assess the hours of labor that go into producing the product or the service. Needless to say that to generate profits businesses ought to offer value.
I would like you to know that Boachsoft cares and I would continue to provide you with valuable products and customer support.
Here at Boachsoft, as the founder and CEO I have been looking at ways of improving customer support. Many users of software need detailed tutorial in order to become better acquainted with the software. In fact more than half of features available in software are not understood by users. Users may be totally oblivious to them.
Many customers prefer to access product support on demand without interacting with customer support staff. I have recognized this fact. Boachsoft provides an online discussion forum for users to start topics and share their experiences and ideas in using the software. The forum: http://mundo.boachsoft.com is over a year old.
Social media provides a platform for people and businesses to share and exchange ideas and content in virtual communities and networks. This provides a new and valuable way to provide customers with end user support.
In order to obtain the best customer support customers expect businesses to be on every social platform. Boachsoft is now present on almost all social media platforms. We are present on twitter. Follow Boachsoft Founder, Yaw Boakye-Yiadom’s tweets on twitter. On this page you can find a widget with the latest tweets. On twitter follow @boachsoft.
This week Boachsoft launched a youtube channel. Click Boachsoft Channel to visit the channel on youtube. I have already made a number of how-to videos available through this channel. I would video-blog on this channel as well.
Research says people are more likely to share content that is in video than in text. Psychologists across the globe have discovered that watching videos and reading text online involve very similar but different cognitive functions. Video content is more engaging. Text requires more strain and concentration. We use our eyes and ears in watching videos but only our eyes in reading content. Today it is possible to play digital text using text-to-speech services.
While it is possible to describe several ways to perform tasks using text I am sure you would agree with me if I say that videos are better. Videos provide the same look and feel that customers experience. Users therefore do not need to imagine the tasks that they want to perform. Users are guided and research has proven that they are more useful in teaching users to use software. Boachsoft’s youtube channel would go a long way in helping users to make maximum use of Boachsoft’s products.
A picture they say is worth a thousand words. A video made up of about 100 picture frames should then be worth more than a 100,000 words because it has audio as well. However, there are some down sides to videos. Bandwidth and internet speeds are a factor. Some can’t access the videos. Others prefer text out of habit long formed. With technology improving from day to day we should expect cheaper bandwidth costs and devices and software with better video processing algorithms and cheaper storage.
Another downside to videos is that a chapter of text converted into a video may end up being several minutes or hours longer than anticipated. This can lead to videos huge in size. To solve this problem several details may be left out. That is to say videos are like short messaging service (sms). You have to come up with a way to express the same content in a shorter way.
![Shakepeare's play Macbeth](http://blog.boachsoft.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/macbeth-1.jpg)
Let me recount a discovery I made whilst in high school. We were seated for three hours watching Shakespeare’s play Macbeth. We held our books. Over the three hours the movie tried to play out the dialogue in the book. However, several conversations and scenes in the book were left out. So in three hours it is just not possible to cover all the dialogue.
Many people took speed reading courses and are able to read at about 1500 words per minute. I am sure many of those will prefer reading to watching videos. 1500 is phenomenal considering the fact that the average person reads at about only 300 words per minute. Former U.S. President John F. Kennedy was said to read at1,200 words per minute. Jimmy Carter enrolled in a speed reading course while at the Whitehouse.
So I would continue to provide support in text as well through the product information pages, social media, this blog and Boachsoft forum http://mundo.boachsoft.com.
I have expanded Boachsoft’s social media presence. Boachsoft is on pinterest. On pinterest search forBoachsoft. Follow my boards.
On Instagram follow the Boachsoft founder yawboach.
I would keep on replying your emails. Boachsoft and I would keep on offering you excellent customer support.
Boachsoft makes excellent Video Rental Software as well as an excellent Landlord Software.
The author, Yaw Boakye-Yiadom is the founder, 100% shareholder and CEO of Boachsoft – a global software company committed to excellence.
![Boachsoft Founder and Sole Proprietor Yaw Boakye-Yiadom with spectacles off](http://blog.boachsoft.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/ceo-no-glasses-1.jpg)