From time immemorial man has kept count of his items. We have all heard of the shepherds of old who always kept count of their flock. Each time one went missing they left the others just to search for the one lost sheep. Many had to count multiple items at the same time.
To solve this problem they used tallies to track their items. For each new item they drew 1 stroke. The fifth stroke, stroke through the previous four strokes. This way after counting or after several days they could easily count by multiplying the number of crossed strokes by 5. To this they added any uncrossed strokes.
Today, technology has made it easy for us to do many things. With Boachsoft Tally mobile app you can now harness the power and mobility of your smartphone or tablet to keep count of items. You don’t have to draw strokes to tally any longer. You only have create counters and press plus and minus buttons to increase or decrease the counters. You can create as many tally counters as you want.

But which people really need to use it. Many people need to use it but I will only talk about a few. Installation of Boachsoft Tally is actually free.
Install it for your relatives. If you sisters or cousins have a large wardrobe and are always having trouble keeping count of the items in their wardrobes or the items sent to the laundry Boachsoft Tally app is just right for them. They could create multiple counters for each class of items in their wardrobe. They could create a counter each for blouses, skirts, jeans, pant suits, lingerie, underwear, brassieres, shoes, boots and so on. They would then use the plus and minus buttons to keep count of their items. They could do the same for their jewelry. They don’t have to memorize them anymore. After sending items to the laundry they won’t have trouble recalling the number of each item that was sent.
They could also use it in the kitchen. They can track the number of each type of silverware. We all do have a lot on our minds and often forget after many days. Making decisions when organizing parties or dinners will be a lot easier.
Scientists conducting Research
Scientists conduct research all the time. In conducting research they frequently have to count multiple types of items over several days and months. It is easy to lose count of the items being counted. For example, a scientist conducting research on a shallow stream of water may be counting the different types of fish observed. There is no need to do that on paper anymore. This can be done using an app. Create a counter for each type of fish. Push the plus button for the appropriate counter when you see the fish. If you get a phone call or are distracted don’t worry. You might forget but you won’t lose any data. You only have to look at you counters to see where you left off.
Patients with Amnesia, Dementia or Alzheimer’s
Patients with amnesia, dementia or having some type of Alzheimer’s disease frequently forget. Alzheimer’s gradually shrinks the brain mass. They have memory problems. This app will do wonders for such people. These people whilst counting may even forget the previous value. The app would do wonders for them. They only have to create multiple counters or a single counter for the current task. They will then push the plus button each time to increase the value. If they should forget whilst counting the value will be right on the phone.
Warehouses having being keeping count of items for years. They are constantly moving out some items to make way for the incoming ones. For many years many warehouses used a mechanical counter to track these. Warehouses no longer need to do this. They only have to create counters in Boachsoft Tally app in order to count the items. This is a good and cheap replacement for the mechanical counters they have been using.
Boachsoft Tally app is also appropriate for banks. Many transactions are carried out without cash but almost every bank needs to keep track of bundles of money. Counting the bundles should now be easier with Boachsoft Tally. You could create various counters for the various notes and coins. You would know at the end of each day the number of greenbacks or Benjamin’s you have in stock.
Sports officials
Sports statistics are important to fans, sports officials and sports broadcasters. During matches officials need to keep count of several things like goals, baskets, innings, runs, fouls, 3 pointers, number of offsides, lay ups or shots on target and so on. Each official could easily do just that cheaply using Boachsoft Tally. Create two counters for each item you want to track. One for each teach. Push the buttons when necessary.
Clearly Boachsoft Tally is for everyone. It will make our burdens lighter. The mobile app is free. Install one today and increase your productivity.
To install Boachsoft Tally Click the following link Tallying app. To visit the product website click Counting and Tally Software
Credit: Boachsoft Founder and CEO, Yaw Boakye-Yiadom (Pronounced Yiaw Bwachi-Yiadom)